CrossFit CBD


Work out of the day

Rooftop of Dreams

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Tuesday 26/02/19

Kay. . Pic: Angela Clancy

Pic: Angela Clancy

 WoD: "Tri - Fecta"

Complete For Time:

15 Strict Press

30 Burpee Over The Bar

15 Push Press

20 Burpee Over The Bar

15 Push Jerk

10 Burpee Over The Bar


M: 50 kg.  ---|---  W: 32.5 kg. 


  • To push ones self is an art form all in itself. Not everyone has the ability to be able to push to the edge of their limits and then keep on digging. Some are more naturally drawn to this, most likely from experience of being part of a sports team or sporting discipline in their youth. Even then they would still need guidance on how to best utilise that “push”.
  • For others this may be more alien to them. These types have of people may never have had the opportunity to be a part of a team growing up, or were never quite drawn into the common individual disciplines such as swimming, gymnastics and the like. These folks are the ones who we end up seeing making the biggest revelations internally when that “light bulb moment” happens for them. That moment when you thought there was no way you could do the task asked of you yet there you went & did it!!
  • its true that whilst one camp written above may start out with an advantage over the other in that area, it is also true that both parties need to learn how to use it, harness it, sometimes, switch it off, and how to test where the actual limit is! This is all done by teaching intensity. Intensity isn’t just you swathing around the gym making noises and thus falling on your back at the end (contrary to what YouTube might tell the uninitiated). Intensity is a workable skill. It’s potent to say the least. This is why we don’t have you destroying yourself every day of the week, and plays a role in why we program the way we do.
  • To know what intensity really feels like you first need to understand what the workout wants from you. Is it asking you to complete the task in 5 minutes or 10? Does it want you to be able to complete the barbell sets unbroken or in 2-3 sets? etc etc.
  • These are important factors in achieving what’s known as the “desired stimulus”. Then when all that is met it’s time to see what levels of discomfort you can handle. You can those take data points, take notes from your Coach, and then put them to good use in future WoDs. That is called training.
  • Moral of the story today? Firstly, listen to everything your coach is telling you at the start of class! Then, if you think the strict press will trouble you go lighter than you think you should!!
  • Let the fun begin!
  • Hold the standards. Form is priority as always.
  • Scale as needed.


Post your TIME to your Beyond The Whiteboard account.

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Rooftop of Dreams

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